06 Jun Complaint policy and procedures
In my setting, I use my best experience, skills and intentions to look after your children.
My aim is to keep all the children and their parents/carers content about the environment and service provided by myself.
However, despite my best effort, if anything is raising your concerns or worries, I am always happy to talk to you about it and open to any suggestions you may have.
For your convenience, you can put the complaint formally in writing or by email to myself: tylecm@gmail.com
I will deal with all the complaints sensitively and will make every effort to resolve it as soon as possible and within 28 days (as stated in the Statutory Framework of the EYFS 2017 (3.74)).
A written records of all complaints will be held along with the outcomes. Documents will be confidential, unless an Ofsted Inspector requires to see them.
The record will include:
- Name of the person making the complaint
- Date and time of the complaint
- Nature of the complaint
- Action taken in response to the complaint
- The outcome of the complaint investigation
- Details of the information given to the complainant
Once the complaint has been resolved, I would ask you – the parent/carer, to sign a statement to confirm that they are satisfied with the outcome.
On the unlike occasion, when I would not be able to resolve the problem, you may wish to contact Ofsted directly on: