06 Jun Accident, emergency and incident policy
In my setting, all safety measurements and risk assessment are always in place, so children, parents and myself, can be reassured that care environment I provide is safe and friendly for everyone attending.
However, despite my best intentions and concerns, some unexpected accidents or incidents might happen. In those unwantable situations, I obliged myself to always provide sufficient help for anyone who is in need.
I have completed Pediatric First Aid training, so in situation of any risk to child’s health or life, I would administer basic first-aid treatment or call for appropriate professionals.
First aid box is always at hand (both at home and while on outings) and the content of it and expiry dates are regularly checked.
My phone is always charged and I have it in close reach of my hand in the event of calling for an ambulance or other type of help.
I also carry details of children’s parents/carers, who will always be informed about emergency situation.
In the event of an accident or any emergency situation, I would proceed following procedure:
- make sure both – injured child and others in the setting are safe and stay out of danger (little children might be put into cot bed or strapped in the buggy, while older ones may watch their favourite TV programme or film and be in my sight for all the time)
- act calmly and reassure everyone, that everything is under control
- assess the injuries and give first aid required. If I am not able to provide appropriate help, then I will ring 999 for immediate and professional help
- in the event of taking child to the hospital, I would take other children with me or ask my back up person (next door neighbour) to look after them during my absence
- contact parents as soon as possible to inform about the accident and if necessary, ask to return to care for child or to meet me at the hospital
- when emergency situation is damped down, I would fill in accident/incident report (with a description of what happened, what injuries occurred, what help was given, any further actions), that need to be signed by parents, who are provided with the copy
- if the incident was significant and medical help was given, I will inform Ofsted, the local child protection agency, and my insurance company within 14 days of the incident occurring.
If child needs to stay off my care due to health problems because of accident/incident that took place, I would ask parents to keep me informed about child’s condition and any medical help and advice that was given.
If any accident or emergency situation happens to child’s parents (while child is under my care), I would like to be informed about it as soon as achievable. In that situation, I obligate myself to look after a child for as long as necessary.