06 Jun Health and safety policy
The first and most important intention for all children in my setting is to keep them health and safe. Consequently, I will follow all risk assessment procedures to ensure all hazards (existing and those even theoretically possible to happen) are assessed and managed, so they present no risk to child’s health or life.
- I obliged myself to check all equipment in my house (furniture, toys, windows and doors, toilet facilities, kitchen appliances), on regular basis, to make sure there are no faulty parts (fixed if possible or removed/replaced). Every morning, before children’s arrival, I will perform a quick risk assessment of my home, garden and car, to make sure everything is safe and secure.
- All toys will be cleaned and checked daily, so they pose no risk for children. I will offer children toys adequate to their age, development stage and special needs.
- There are smoke detectors and extinguisher in my house (tested/up to date). I will explain and show children what to do and where to assemble in case of a fire in the setting.
- I always keep my kitchen tidy and clean. While preparing food and snacks, I follow hygiene guidelines, regarding food storage, due dates, ways of cooking, washing hands, utensils and products.
- I will teach the children about making healthy food choices and physical exercise.
- Smoking, using drugs or alcohol is absolutely not allowed in my home.
- My car has appropriate insurance in place, up to date MOT and road tax. There are enough car seats for all the children attending my setting and they are all properly fitted.
- I have appropriate public liability insurance.
- I have required safety equipment in my home (i.e cupboard and window locks), that are regularly checked.
- All chemicals (washing up liquids and powders, bleach, etc.) and medicines are safely stored in locked cupboards away from sight and reach of children.
- I am qualified paediatric first aider. In case of any accident or incident, I will use my best skills and knowledge to help any child. Any action will be recorded and parents notified as soon as required.
I have a first aid box accessible at all times with appropriate content for use with children.
- I have emergency contact details with me at all times (both at home and during trips) in case I need to contact the parents.
- All the bins are emptied regularly and any used nappies are wrapped and placed in the outside bin. Children will be shown how to use bins properly and only when necessary, so any chance of contamination is reduced to a minimum.
- Children will be taught basic hygiene rules (importance of washing hands, brushing teeth, covering mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, how infections and contaminations are spread) – appropriately to their age and stage of development.
- Any TV programmes, films, computer games or applications used in my setting will be appropriate to children’s age and stage of development. There will be also adequate e-safety procedures in places (filters for online content, my supervision).
- I will ensure there is always clean bedding, towels and spare clothes available for each individual child.
- When I take children away from home to go on some trip, I will always strap little ones in a pushchair, while older ones will be holding my hand/pushchair or be on a harness (parents preferences in that matter will be considered).
- I will explain children the importance and rules of being safe on the road and when using public transport.
- Front door of my house will be always locked, so children can not walk out through it outside or let strangers in.
Any visitors coming to my house are obliged to fill in log book (including name, purpose of visit, time in and out).
- I will release children into and out of the care of individuals who have been notified to me by the parent. In case of doubts, I will contact parents immediately.